Region’s First Net Zero Energy Building to be Constructed at the UWI

Region’s First Net Zero Energy Building to be Constructed at the UWI

EXPAND is working with the University of the West Indies (UWI) on a project to construct the Caribbean’s first Net Zero Energy Building (NZEB). 
Ground was broken on May 10 for the approximately J$61.48 million (US$500,000) project, which will be situated along Gibraltar Way on the Mona campus. It is intended to serve as a prototype for the construction of similar structures in the region.

The project is being implemented by UWI’s Institute for Sustainable Development, with technical assistance from the United Nations Environment Programme (UNEP) and funding from the Global Environment Facility.

A NZEB is a building in which the total amount of energy used on an annual basis is approximate to the amount of renewable energy created on that site.

The prototype being constructed at the UWI will demonstrate emerging and best practices in the built environment including energy efficiency, renewable energy, and environmental design which encompasses resilience to changing climatic conditions including hurricanes, storms, floods, drought and earthquake.

The NZEB at UWI will incorporate designs and technologies complementary to the location, climate, and the use of the building and will include conference facilities as well as a research centre.

For more information see their website:

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